The Learning Programm at Neom.Training is based on face to face practical training in small groups every Wednesday and home office learning. That is usual combination which works perfectly.

Free Meetups

Please do not hesitate and come to visit us. Newcomers are welcome. To know exact time frame and location please visit our meetup site.

That was our first meetup in 2018 and since than we were continuously growing! Here you could find our current meetups:

ON MY WAY: AGILE Personal Development Education

Frankfurt, DE
495 Game Changers

Dear Members – Game Changers,We are fully interested to explore our personal development. We would like to learn something NEW. Change the non-effective habits and learn how …

Check out this Meetup Group →

We are already about 500 NLP practicioners interested in agile personal development education.

Company Workshops:

Natural Language Processing workshop | Catalysts

That was our first meeting, where we found other interested NLP professionals to organise paid company workshops.

Matrix Frankfurt is a free community of NLP practicioneers and hypnotists. The purpose of the group is to meet, discuss and activate our professional and creative potential. Finding right answers to all kind of life solutions. We are exchanging project materials and obtaining feedback from different managers so you could enjoy different views and options to your difficult questions.

Everybody who is interested to go deeply into the NLP Topic becomes advice about professional courses available on the market. As professionals we are educated in different NLP Schools so we could give you a valuable recommendations for your professional career development and personal growth.

Our current partner institut in Frankfurt:

When you really want to influence people than you need to know how to speak and feel comfortable on the stage in front of different people. Exactly for this reason you should visit the Esprit de Corps Frankfurt Toastmasters Group.

Esprit de Corps Frankfurt Toastmasters Group

From my personal perspective was a big deal to start learning public speaking at Esprit de Corps Frankfurt Toastmasters Group. I learned a lot about myself by preparing speeches and learning to know how to motivate the audience. I decided to share the knowledge and was starting the Meetup Group for our Toastmasters Group.

I was working as a Vicepresident Membership in EdC Toastmasters club and could offer you the Welcome Kit information when you would like to be a new member of the club, practicing English with others and connect fun with public speaking.

Just please fill in the Forms on the link below and you will exclusively obtain all necessary membership information. Thanks again for visiting us. 😊

Full internet presentation of our club:

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